Day 3: Black Feminist Breathing Chorus Meditation Response
In my meditation and self Reiki this morning, so many beautiful
things. The most beautiful of all: the Universe has infinite knowledge to share
with us during this time.
Today, just for today, how will you open all of your Self to receiving this
knowledge? How will you sit quietly and connect to the Universe, which is all
the time trying to speak with you directly?
This morning, an amazing down pouring from dimensions yet
unknown and imagined. What did I receive: STUFF. It’s the only way to describe
all the items, sounds, words, images that flowed into me in a steady stream of
laser light.
When I asked what is it all, the response was that I need
not worry about that. All that I received: I have the power to interpret and
use when needed. Spontaneous access and interpretation.
This reminded me of a meditation experience I had last year.
I entered a space much like the one the Fifth Dimension is dancing in the video.
Instead of the sun, there was a huge face, a woman’s face, like a big beautiful
Buddha. Her face took up every inch of space and seemed to surround me.
When I approached closer, She opened Her eyes so quickly
that it frightened me. Before I could say anything, however, She winked at me,
smiled, then returned to “sleep”.
The Universe winked at me and smiled.
This was no joke. Instead, She was telling me “I see you”
and that She was acknowledging me.
This connection with Life and its Source was different than
any I had ever made before and I am still integrating it into my life. The
Universe may have taken me into Herself in a wink, but I can’t do the same with
So, knowing what to do with that information is a constant
opening and reopening, a constant remaking and recreating, of myself to Life.
Even more, it is a constant recommitment to dispel fear and
to not live in fear. To be drenched in light, to allow that light to touch
places we often keep hidden, is to announce to what tethers us to fear “I see
What next you ask? Well, sometimes just acknowledging
something releases its power on us. We don’t leave it space to haunt us at night
or in every move we make.
Today, just for today, how will you let the “sun shine in"?
What small space in your life do you want to bring out into the light so that
the warmth of the sun can melt it away?
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